Monday, May 28

I hate to say it...

but I was disappointed in the Domino issue. It really saddens me to say this, but it is true.

After seeing a friend on Facebook had picked up a copy, I went on the search for mine. It was not at my local grocery store, so I headed to Barnes and Noble. I had to dig through the stands to find the last two copies, or what I assumed were the last two copies, because everyone was rushing out to scoop this up, right? The cashier at checkout was intrigued by the magazine, so I told her how great it used to be and what a big deal this issue was, and also that I'd taken the only ones they had. Sorry, chica, these are mine!

When I got home I made a cup of tea and made myself comfortable on the loveseat. Being about 10 weeks pregnant at the time I'd become used to allowing myself lazy evenings on the couch. Anyway, there I sat. I was almost scared to open the cover. Scared to be disappointed. What if it wasn't fabulous?? And so I dug in. I read the whole thing cover to cover. If I had never seen the magazine before, I would have thought it was great. But I have poured through every issue, repeatedly, and this mash up quasi Domino didn't really do it for me. There was nothing new. It read like a homework assignment left until the last minute, and then smashed together from old content. As I read in another review, it was "repackaged", which is a perfect description. I think they could have done a better job.

Another issue is slated to come out this fall. My hope is they'll put a little more effort into freshening this one up, instead of just completely recycling from old issues. I'll be there to buy that issue too, but maybe just one copy this time.


One week from today marks the start of the wallpaper removal. I'm not sure I'm quite ready for the quick transformation our home is about to take. I need to get some artwork and photos ready to get up on all these freshly painted walls we're going to have.

This also means I only have one week to pick a paint color for the bedroom. No pressure, right? I'm sweating this one even more than normal since we'll be paying someone else to do the painting. I need to make sure we love this color. At least I have it narrowed down to blue, now to just pick a shade.

I'm thinking this will call for a mini makeover of the bedroom so I'll be searching for new curtains and curtain rods too. I've already printed dozens of wedding photos so we can plaster those in frames around the bedroom. We are obsessed with our wedding photos and can't wait to get them up on the wall.